Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: The image of God

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Evangelization must help, not hinder, people getting closer to God

Jesus does not tolerate hypocrisy, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: Religious values

Francis, the comic strip

The Christian battle is against evil, not people, pope says

Beware of those who want God to live up to their standards, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: Tragedy of many conflicts

Francis, the comic strip

Without Holy Spirit, preaching becomes proselytizing, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Christians have 'moral duty' to help migrants, refugees, pope says

Pope's quotes: A lukewarm heart

Being elected pope doesn't wash away one's sins, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Calumny, slander is a 'diabolical cancer,' pope says

Francis, the comic strip
