Francis, the comic strip

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: Outbound journey

Francis, the comic strip

Pope's quotes: Grace to have mercy

Francis, the comic strip

Set up a Nativity scene, pray there before Christmas, pope suggests

Francis, the comic strip

Pope blesses Nativity scene statues, calls them signs of God's love

Pope's quotes: Good sentiments

Francis, the comic strip

Martyrdom comes from following Christ without compromise, pope says

Go to confession, let yourself be consoled, pope says

Francis, the comic strip

Immaculate Conception is feast of hope for sinners, pope says

Rise in populism due to lack of listening, dialogue, pope says

Pope's quotes: Mission of pastors

Francis, the comic strip

Trust in Christ, not in psychics, sorcerers, pope says at audience

Francis, the comic strip

Evangelizers are like angels, bringing good news to the world, pope says
