Guest Voices

Twin inconvenient truths: nuclear arms and climate change

It's time to change the abortion debate in America

What I learned being silent with monks

Sharon Langley's carousel ride made US history and reverberated in my life

An eyewitness to the horrors of the US 'forever wars' speaks out

Friendship and service

Rep. Elijah Cummings was an example of public faith in a time of religious skepticism

Praying for President Trump's transformation

A liturgy of memory and repentance for survivors of the atomic bombing of Japan

Student activists speaking up for the planet, then and now

Home for a visit, a year after leaving the church

Why I haven't left the church

German Catholics mark Berlin Wall anniversary

Traditional Latin Mass best expresses the reality of Christ's sacrifice

Rubio's 'common-good capitalism' considered

Bishop McElroy: US church is adrift, synodality can renew it

The Latin Mass becomes a cult of toxic tradition

On eve of Trump visit, 'American carnage' alive and well in Lexington

The human face of the Blackjewel coal mine bankruptcy

Catholic officials trampling on employees' free speech is disturbing
