NCR Voices

Dialogue with tradition is essential to the Catholic spiritual life

Court decisions on affirmative action, student loans raise issues of meritocracy

Prebuttals to the synod have begun, and they don't persuade

The US deserves some legacy bishop appointments, too

'Bidenomics' is good for the economy — and the president's campaign

303 Creative v. Elenis: A Catholic's guide to weighing Supreme Court decisions

Will Supreme Court decision achieve 'colorblindness for all'?

Post-Dobbs, the political and intellectual climate is confused or worse

Is the eucharistic revival an exercise in cheap grace?

It's nonsense to accuse the new synod document of tilting the process in favor of an agenda

Synodal working document is deeply rooted in Vatican II

Catholic social teaching book has lessons for synodal church, today's politics

New book explores papal interpretations of 'signs of the times'

US bishops' spring assembly highlights leadership's mediocrity

Georgetown slaves raise questions about how we salve our consciences

Let's hear transgender people tell their own stories

Bishops, listen to Catholic health workers, not culture warriors, on transgender directives

Supreme Court's recent voting rights decision could fortify its credibility

Nothing really changed after Vatican II. But synodality may make a difference.

Pat Robertson played a part in the rise of conservative Christianity
