
Brazil's Indigenous Missionary Council blames government for murder

On the train to Omaha: Why individual action on climate change matters

Listen up, town meeting: Time's up for gas

There's a map for that: GoodLands launches Catholic GeoHub

Four factors driving pace, scale of climate action in U.S. dioceses

Welcome to EarthBeat, NCR's new climate portal

Amazon governors, meeting after synod, support 'green economy'

Meet the young Catholic suing the government over climate change

Bishops vote for married priests, call developed world to repent for harming Amazon

The streets of San Francisco as classroom

Amazon synod calls for married priests, pope to reopen women deacons commission

When did the Catholic Church begin to address climate change?

Amazon synod calling for courage from the church, says lay observer

Indigenous priorities overlooked amid Amazon synod's clerical debates

Saving Amazon rainforest requires change in Western lifestyles, say synod bishops

'We are all responsible': Bishop urges lifestyle change to protect Amazon

Catholics in the Amazon await the synod's decisions

A gracious overnight with an indigenous Catholic family in the Amazon

Basil, tomatoes and the magic of compost

At catacombs, synod members pledge simplicity, closeness to the poor
