
Your thoughts on supporting women in a post-Roe world

Disney's 'Encanto' teaches us to see God in ourselves and others

6 questions for Pope Francis, who may benefit from adopting a pet

Returning unwanted gifts? Consider the true environmental cost

Archbishop Wester enriches church teaching with letter on nuclear disarmament

Francis, the comic strip

Links: Embassy priest in CatholicVote.org video; Western paganism; kudos for KC mayor

Editorial: Biden had a successful first year. His second must be a slam dunk.

My daughter was a gay Catholic who died by suicide. Here's how the church must protect LGBTQ+ Catholics.

Links: Francis' critics distort past popes; filibuster myths; praise for Merrick Garland

Francis, the comic strip

Are we all in this together? Now is not the time to give up on building solidarity

How dark money prostitutes the US church and distorts Catholicism

Throughout 2022, let us pray a litany to the small saints in our lives

Author contemplates Catholic Church's future by examining its recent past

Pope's comments are about more than pets. They reinforce the church's narrow view on reproduction and marriage.

Earth: One of God's failed experiments?

A Catholic feminist review of Halsey's album 'If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power'

Will US bishops find their voice and defend democracy?

Your thoughts on NCR's 2021 newsmaker of the year
