
CELAM document confronts the challenges of synodality

Editorial: We cannot become numb to political violence and misinformation

What the US could learn from one sentence of the South African Constitution

Links: Bolsonaro accepts loss in Brazil; Obama fires up Democrats; 'superstar losers'

For a redemption story, look to the Phillies, not the Astros

A parent's worst nightmare: An active shooter at my daughter's school

Time to start from scratch with US bishops' 'Faithful Citizenship' document

Links: Antisemitism and Nostra Aetate; Maryland early voting; post-pandemic cities

The Vatican mentioned calls for women's ordination. Here begins the revolution?

Theological reflection on gender doesn't compete with Vatican II

Australian archbishop: Real change takes time, which the extended synod gives us

Handicapping US bishops' races for president and vice president

JD Vance gives Catholicism a bad name

The Francis Effect podcast: St. Louis shooting; Archbishop Chaput; Ye's antisemitism

Letters to the editor on Catholic hospitals and abortion

Change is not easy in the Catholic Church, whether Vatican II or Pope Francis

Links: Climate change action; radicalized white voters; midterm debates

Archbishop Chaput asks, 'Who am I NOT to judge?'

Links: 'Culture of death'; midterms polls; ranked-choice voting

Why I declined to join my diocesan sex abuse review board
