
The Eucharist is about more than the Real Presence

What makes for a reverent Mass? You might be surprised.

Santos and Taylor Greene: Funny, not funny

Letters to the editor responding to Cardinal Pell's death

Bangalore conference urged church leaders to embrace synodality, listening

After 10 years of being patient, Pope Francis is entitled to be less so

Pope Francis wants better homilies. Find them at Catholic Women Preach.

How can we get to know the Holy Spirit — and what pronoun should we use?

Editorial: Republican agenda hardly reflective of Catholic values

Biden classified documents debacle could hurt Dem's brand and agenda

3 ways Catholics can work for nuclear disarmament

Vatican's handling of Rupnik case shows church considers women unequal

Twenty years ago, US and Mexican bishops called for immigration reform. It still hasn't happened.

No real solutions coming from World Economic Forum in Davos

Pell's 'catastrophe' memorandum stains his legacy

Letters to the editor on the legacy of Pope Benedict XVI

Academic theology needs to be more connected to the church

My ectopic pregnancy: 'I never want to go through that again'

Behold I am doing something new ... maybe

Traditionalists, reform and women
