
'Excuse me, but what about Willie Horton?'

Why I left the church, and what I'm hearing about it

Trumpism may not be here to stay after all

Links for 12/4/18

Editorial: Advent offers chance to rediscover tradition, free from ideologues

The laity hold the key to reforming the church

Biblical plain talk about climate change

This Advent, remember the second coming

NCR's Fox crosses the line, goes to trial to protest nuclear weapons

November reminds us to count our days aright

History comes up short in the face of this president's caprice

Why are we at each others' throats? Healing polarization in our church

It's not over: Your thoughts on our open letter to bishops

Concentrate on admirable aspects of Catholic Church: Jewish relations, social justice

Ascension Health commits structural sins of income inequality, capitalist excess

Holding on to hope when you're not sure things will get better

A Jewish gringa finds home in a Maya family

Links for 11/28/18

With failed Baltimore meeting, the church is at a stalemate

Francis, the comic strip
