
The Amazon synod is about the concept of social sin, not married priests

A crucial connection was missed at Amazon synod

Bolstered by bad eucharistic theology, the 'wafer wars' are back

Your thoughts on imagining God, cardinal leadership, climate change and more

Copy Desk Daily, Nov. 1, 2019

For even a smidgen of virtue within us, we owe thanks to God

Francis, the comic strip

Copy Desk Daily, Oct. 31, 2019

We celebrate 'thin places' where meeting occurs

Links for 10/31/19

Copy Desk Daily, Oct. 30, 2019

Evangelical women do balancing act in public life

Fall meeting agenda sees US bishops making plans to plan priorities

Presenting NCR's EarthBeat

Links for 10/29/19

Lazarus at our gate

Francis, the comic strip

Catholic officials trampling on employees' free speech is disturbing

Copy Desk Daily, Oct. 29, 2019

Copy Desk Daily, Oct. 28, 2019
