
Links for 4/7/20

After coronavirus, how will we learn to un-quarantine?

Time for the Dems to earn the hatred of the wealthy and connected

Join us for a virtual Triduum observance

Copy Desk Daily, April 6, 2020

Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion: 'Hosanna!'

Copy Desk Daily, April 3, 2020

NCR readers share how they keep spiritually grounded amid crisis

Your thoughts on Jamie Manson's columns, voting with a conscience, religious liberty and more

Humans are resilient, let us trust ourselves and each other

History warns us: Crises like COVID-19 can give rise to great evil

Is Trump killing his supporters?

Links for 4/2/20

The cloisters of our homes: shelter-in-place as vocation

Francis, the comic strip

D.C.'s quiet emphasizes value of community and consolation

Copy Desk Daily, April 2, 2020

NCR readers share acts of kindness, part two

Pandemic crisis reveals impoverished understanding of solidarity

For the love of God (literally), stay home, be safe and pray
