
Cardinal Czerny: Apply Pope Francis' vision to the US church

Should Pope Francis get a third COVID-19 vaccine shot?

Pope Francis issues thinly veiled criticism of EWTN, comments on gender ideology

Francis, the comic strip

Vatican wants boarding schools run by Heralds of the Gospel to be closed

Vatican to require vaccination proof or negative COVID-19 test

Church needs to hear God speaking through those who are hurting, pope says

Greatness is measured by service, pope says

Pope to bishops: Listen to abuse victims for sake of church

Leadership is distorted by thirst for power, betraying charism, pope says

NCR Live: Pope Francis picks up the pace

Vatican publishes letters to rabbis emphasizing pope's respect for Judaism

Pope calls on world to welcome refugees and immigrants

Pope Francis says he has never denied Communion, warns against politicizing Eucharist

Vatican official urges Mexican bishops to prioritize care for migrants

New Swiss Guard barracks will allow room for families, maybe female guards

Prejudice has no place in Christian life, Pope Francis tells Roma community in Slovakia

Pope Francis in Slovakia: Christian faith is not demonstrated by worldly power

Francis, the comic strip

Pope Francis to Slovakia: Culture wars and isolationism won't strengthen freedom
