
Parent sues Australian cardinal over child sex abuse charge

Do not hide reality of abuse, pope tells religious orders

Humanity has 'moral obligation' to fight climate change, pope says

Pope confirms plans to meet Russia's Patriarch Kirill in Kazakhstan

Pope Francis names three women to Vatican office that recommends new bishops

It's past time for the Vatican to investigate these two Texas bishops

On Communion for politicians, pope reiterates: Bishops should be pastoral

Pope calls for peace in Sri Lanka, Libya, Ukraine

Pope Francis to visit Italian cities of Assisi, Matera in September

Eucharist: Sacrament of unity and source of division

Cardinal says visit to Congo, South Sudan meant to bring hope to suffering

Pope names Maltese archbishop as new ambassador to Mexico

Pope Francis to appoint women to Vatican office responsible for selecting bishops

Pope Francis' new apostolic letter is about more than 'liturgy wars'

Pope, Anglican, Presbyterian leaders send messages to South Sudan

In interview, Pope Francis dismisses rumors about his health as 'court gossip'

Vatican closes London property sale at a loss after scandal

Cardinal Hummes, defender of the Amazon, friend of the pope, dies at 87

Pope Francis expresses sorrow over 'senseless shooting' in Illinois

Shared blame for Russia's war on Ukraine is not realism — it's irrational
