
Catholic activists praise pope's move away from just war theory

In case related to abuse at minor seminary, two priests face trial at Vatican

Finance measures meant to expel 'merchants' from the temple, pope says

German churches plan to continue talks on shared Communion

Eventual coronavirus vaccine should belong to everyone, pope says

True prayer leads to concrete acts of love, pope says at audience

Francis, the comic strip

Cardinal Pell accuser denies bribe as Vatican intrigue grows

Georgetown panelist: Encyclical offers 'alternative way of looking at life'

Video: Facebook Live on Fratelli Tutti

Five things to look for in Pope Francis' new encyclical, 'Fratelli Tutti'

Francis, the comic strip

Pope: Authority is act of serving, not exploiting, others

'Fratelli Tutti' seen as speaking to a divided US church and country 

Vatican causes chaos by invalidating baptism formula

'Fratelli Tutti' shares practical wisdom, but lacks insights of women

Pope's post-COVID encyclical envisions a less populist, less capitalist world

Vatican 'swindled' by investors, finance minister says

Francis, the comic strip

Fidelity oaths spark fear of return to theological silencing
