
Links for 10/30/18

Federal authorities order bishops conference, dioceses to retain documents

Government seeks to survey church property for border wall

Mandated sex ed courses in Ugandan schools draw outrage

Former nuncio to U.S. heard rumors of McCarrick misconduct in 1994

Pope apologizes to young people who have felt ignored by the church

Bishops conference president condemns shooting at synagogue, all 'acts of hate'

US bishops face most critical meeting since Dallas in 2002

Latinos could transform faith's role in US politics

For ICE detainees, access to clergy is infrequent or absent altogether, rights groups say

New play considers Joan of Arc from her mother's viewpoint

At Vatican summit, millennial Catholics have no vote but do have a voice

NCR Podcast: Catholic social teaching as a lens for immigration issues

Bishops sign document calling for action against climate change

Legal battle continues over religious leader housing tax break

Thomas Keating, pioneer in centering prayer, interfaith dialogue, dies at 95

Campus Notebook: Racist vandalism at St. Paul campus; $1 million for ministry

Synod missed opportunity to apologize for sex abuse, Archbishop Chaput says

Bishops press for violence-free campaign as Congo crisis escalates

Viganò's third screed unintentionally reveals his true motives
