
Liturgical federation proposes temporary ban on Communion on the tongue

Landlord LA Archdiocese of little help in neighborhood's long fight to close toxic oil wells for good

Catholic ministries step in as food insecurity skyrockets across US

New Netflix documentary shows the sacramentality of same-sex relationships

Poll: The 'Trump bump' is over, especially among white Christians

As lockdowns ease, some countries report new infection peaks

Former Pope Benedict XVI sees church threatened by pseudo-humanism

US bishops' guidelines for reopening Mass: groups of 10, sanitizer during Communion

Catholic colleges, strapped for cash during pandemic, struggle with reopening plans

Armed mobs: the grim apotheosis of libertarianism

Reform advocates push for early release for non-violent prisoners during pandemic

Nigerian bishop, rejected by former diocese, installed at new diocese

Digital pilgrimages allow the faithful to travel the world from their couches

Report highlights role of immigrants as essential workers in COVID fight

Catholic social justice leaders protest Cardinal Dolan's supportive words for Trump

Black churches, via phones and Facebook, bridging digital divide amid COVID-19

Update: Archdiocese of New Orleans files Chapter 11 reorganization

Pope makes promotions within the College of Cardinals

Lay Maryknoller lawyer rings alarm on detained migrants' COVID-19 risk

Your thoughts on identity politics, LGBT treatment in the church, co-responsibility and more
