
Book takes liberties but is clear Fr. Paolo Dall'Oglio was in love with Islam

Churches criticize protesters for storming steps of German parliament

Do Democrats and Republicans worship the same God?

Deportation flights helping spread pandemic, says Witness at the Border

Links for 9/1/20

Archbishop says nation is at 'pivotal juncture' in racial justice struggle

Famed Georgetown basketball coach John Thompson dies at 78

Catholic organizations, faithful took part in 2020's March on Washington

Auction held at home of late priest who lived like a prince

Mexican cartel boss' arrest raises old suspicions of drug alms

Pope to take his post-pandemic pleas to global stage

Zimbabwean bishops hope their criticism of government stirs national dialogue

Being pro-life is a messy affair during a presidential election

Plowshares activist facing 21 years in jail finds 'cause for rejoicing'

An internship teaches the meaning of 'Anything helps'

The night that broke Jim Gaffigan, the 'clean' Catholic comedian

Video: Facebook Live on the 2020 Republican National Convention

Christians, others warn Turkey is 'weaponizing water' in northeast Syria

Trump or Biden? What's a Catholic voter to do?

Closing the RNC, Trump bets big that voters won't trust their 'lyin' eyes'
