
Lebanese cardinal: Country's 'political authority has murdered its people'

Mexico's 'bishop of the poor' dies of COVID-19 complications

When people stop listening: Keep it up

Poland's Cardinal Dziwisz denies knowledge of abuse complaint, Maciel's crimes

Links for 11/3/20

Editorial: We must be witnesses to peace, justice in election's aftermath

#CatholicsVote2020: Presidential race too close to call

Global climate action at stake in US election, faith activists say

Retired pope declines his late brother's inheritance

Supreme Court set to hear arguments in Catholic foster care case

Andrew Walther, Catholic communications leader, dies of leukemia at 45

Hope is gift to seek from God, pope says on All Souls' feast

The Francis Effect podcast: 2020 Elections, and Francis' remarks on civil unions

Without the ACA, my son — and other kids with preexisting conditions — could die

On Election Eve, remember the limits of politics

Catholic Church's abortion fight has sown division, hindered progress, speaker says

As Day of the Dead approaches, signs of life in LA's pandemic-challenged Olvera Street

Q&A with the Rev. William Barber, building 'fusion coalition' that unites people against poverty

France mourns 3 killed in church attack, tightens security

Gender gap among Latino voters seen in some families
