
Vatican says bishop ordained in China is in communion with pope

Use of Pfizer, Moderna COVID-19 vaccines is morally acceptable, say bishops

My reluctant gratitude for technology this Thanksgiving

Priests' defamation suits are the latest wrinkle in sex-abuse fallout

Confessions of a Vatican source: Jason Berry on the McCarrick report

Washington's Archbishop Gregory expects 'respectful' dialogue with President Biden

Prisons and law enforcement are not the solution to our social problems

As Economy of Francesco ends, pope calls on the young to chart a new development model

Some bishops seek common ground, not confrontation, with Biden

Links: Moral consistency, spiritual bromides, the 'Latino vote'

Francis' teachings inspire Catholics in Latin America's economic protests

NBA players hailed by pope at Vatican for demanding justice

US Catholic bishops' response to McCarrick report is sad but predictable

Catholic Church cancels Guadalupe pilgrimage over pandemic

New York state sues Buffalo diocese over priest misconduct

White Christians' voting patterns are an indictment of churches

The GOP's future? Ditch Trump and read Edmund Burke

Amid travel break, pope cheers Lisbon youth jamboree plans

Memoir recognizes need for more than talk about racial reconciliation

AOC's favorite biblical story is mired in a dark, anti-Jewish past
