
Remains of Fr. Emil Kapaun, Korean War military chaplain, identified

What's behind bishops' statement against the Johnson & Johnson vaccine?

Cleanse your hearts of anger, live the Gospel, pope says at Mass in Irbil

Francis encourages Iraqi Christians in dramatic visits to ISIS-destroyed churches

Francis tells Iraqi faith leaders: violence in name of religion 'greatest blasphemy'

George Harrison's coronavirus comeback

Catholic Church helps Zambian villagers stand up to mining companies

Panelists call for reckoning on abuse of Native American children at Catholic boarding schools

The buffoonery of Abbott and Cuomo

All vaccines are morally acceptable, says member of Pontifical Academy for Life

Bishop Rhoades: Latest COVID-19 vaccine can be used in good conscience

In remote area of Colombia, bishops want cease-fire between army, rebels

Angolan bishops warn of deteriorating social situation

Dallas bishop will convene diocesan synod, a 10-year process

With political shift, El Salvador steps toward an uncertain future

Cardinal Tobin joins Cupich on Vatican's influential Congregation for Bishops

Gallaudet University's new deaf priest a sign of renewal

Links: Right-to-work voted down, and Niagara Falls has frozen over

Panel: Social justice is essential to Black Catholics' faith

Francis, the comic strip
