
Links: Declericalizing seminary formation; petition for those who hate billionaires

Gender-neutral religious life satisfaction survey seeks testers among men religious

Court: If bias rules have exceptions, faith groups qualify

Children's graves in Canada reflect Catholic logic of Indigenous vanishment

Archdiocese fulfills final $3 million obligation to abuse survivors in bankruptcy settlement

Bishop: Worship sites often unaware of migrating Catholics near them

An architect of European unity moves ahead on sainthood path

Vatican media coverage of US bishops' meeting focuses on Biden, Communion

US bishops urged to find ways to welcome, serve immigrants

Pope tells Myanmar coup leaders: Respect churches as neutral places for shelter

The collapse of the US bishops' conference

French archdiocese freed from 18 years of abusive leadership

AOC, other Catholic Democrats urge bishops against 'weaponization' of Communion

In defiance of Vatican, US bishops vote to advance Communion document

Catholic House Democrats prepare to send bishops 'statement of principles' on Communion vote

Catholic groups ask bishops across the Americas for leadership on migration reform

Review board chair urges bishops to focus on healing for abuse survivors

Bolivian bishops detail their role in pacifying the country in 2019

White Catholics must lead the way to end white supremacy

Your thoughts on Indigenous deaths, no apologies from Francis
