Sr. Deborah Borneman talks to a vocation ministry group in Ireland on May 17, 2014. (Courtesy of National Religious Vocation Conference)
Sr. Deborah Borneman thinks about vocations and religious life a lot -- not just because she's a Sister of Saints Cyril and Methodius, but because it's her job.
Borneman is the director of member relations and services at the National Religious Vocation Conference in Chicago, the only national professional organization of vocation ministers. It promotes religious life as a viable option in the Catholic church; in other words, she helps train and support the people who are bringing people into religious life.
But of course, it's more than just a job. Borneman is passionate about religious life, which comes through quickly when speaking with her. Many will find out for themselves when Borneman speaks this weekend at the discern. Conference at St. Catherine University in St. Paul, Minn.
The conference runs Friday to Sunday and kicks off National Catholic Sisters Week, which offers dozens of events across the United States.