We say: An intruder broke into House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home and assaulted her husband, Paul. But outrage over political violence is replaced with misinformation. Catholics must oppose both violence and lies.
A new poll found 63% of U.S. Catholic adults say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, and 68% say Roe should be left as is. Those views were in line with the overall American public on the issues.
Fr. Daniel Horan: To paraphrase one of Jesus' teachings, you cannot serve both God and guns. To those trying to square the circle of their demonstrated love of guns and alleged love of God, I ask: What is your true religion?
Michael Sean Winters: San Francisco's Salvatore Cordileone is a bomb thrower of an archbishop and he has thrown a bomb all right. But the real damage will not be done to the halls of government.
The U.S. Supreme Court has not yet overruled Roe v. Wade, but that did not stop some Catholic bishops, priests and activists from reacting with hope to a leaked draft decision — while others condemned it.
Some U.S. priests have spread blatant untruths about COVID-19. While a few bishops have tried to stop them from spreading misinformation, some observers think bishops could come out stronger when priests share false information.
Michael Sean Winters rounds up political news and commentary: Vaccine misinformation in San Francisco; Supreme Court case could weaken the Clean Water Act; Ohio's midterm elections; the unemerged Democratic majority.
Michael Sean Winters: Regrettably, more in sadness than in anger and with a heavy heart, it is time for another installment of Catholics Behaving Badly.
Phyllis Zagano: Francis and Vatican officials have repeatedly refuted claims that COVID-19 vaccines are morally tainted. That so many lay Catholics and clerics are ignoring church teachings demonstrates a large leak in the barque of Peter.