Federal judge in Washington orders Trump administration to restore DACA

Irish pastoral worker tweets Laudato Si' to Trump, line by line

Measure to repeal Oregon's long-standing sanctuary law on November ballot

Links for 7/26/18

Brownback opens religious freedom summit with plea to fight persecution

Links for 7/24/18

Editorial: Supporting women is key to pro-life agenda

Researchers find link between Trump tweets and spike in anti-Muslim hate

Links for 7/17/18

President Trump shouldn't be nominating a Supreme Court justice

Humanae Vitae's ban on contraception causes suffering

Trump's NATO trip is a win for propaganda, not for diplomacy

Would Brett Kavanaugh stand up for the rule of law or for Trump?

Catholic organizations playing role in reunification of children

Would Jesus invite President Trump to a steak dinner?

Amid Kavanaugh nomination, both sides of abortion debate face crossroads

Abortion and the Supreme Court: how the debate has changed

Editorial: Return compassion to migration debate

Prospective Supreme Court nominee puts spotlight on People of Praise

Links for 7/5/18
