New film highlights belief that Trump's election was God's plan

Links for 9/27/18

Qatar outmaneuvers quartet of nations arrayed against it

Links for 9/20/18

Editorial: 'Historic numbers' mask fuller economic story

Links for 9/11/18

Republicans highlight Trump administration's possible transgressions

With Voting Rights Act weakened, black church networks seek more voters

Links for 8/29/18

Yes, Mr. Trump, Latinos speak English and they speak it well

Trump in the Middle East: A Year Two scorecard

Links for 8/21/18

Links for 8/16/18

Why I'm obsessed with President Trump

No end in sight to the cruelty inflicted on frightened immigrants

Libertarianism, enemy of Catholic social thought, has no place in 'America'

Links for 8/14/18

Trump's attacks on the press empower would-be dictators

The Russian connection: When Franklin Graham met Putin

Interfaith dialogue really is relational, accessible
