Impeaching Trump (again) was easy compared to defeating Trumpism

Editorial: Catholics need to confess their complicity in the failed coup

No one has a right to be surprised about the Capitol violence

Will Republicans work with Biden? Probably not.

Links: Happy feast, Scrooge, inviting them in

Act V of the Trump presidency is not pretty

Biden needs to push for far-reaching progressive economic policies

When people stop listening: Keep it up

Barrett confirmed by Senate for Supreme Court, takes oath

Editorial: Barrett's moral relativism is cause for rejection from the bench

Down-ballot races are just as important for common good as presidential race

Links for 10/13/20

Links for 10/1/20

Catholic challenger to Mitch McConnell is inspired by her faith

Two Catholic women judges top short list as possible Supreme Court nominees

USCCB urges Congress, White House to reach COVID-19 relief deal

Do Democrats and Republicans worship the same God?

Evaluate Sen. Kamala Harris' record faithfully

The GOP's stimulus bill is flaccid and immoral

Time for McConnell to help state and local governments cope with the pandemic
