Editorial: Stop judging, and welcome LGBT Catholics 'in good faith'

Trusting in God does not mean never arguing with him, pope says

Pope issues new Vatican contract laws to save money, prevent corruption

From Vatican Gardens, pope leads rosary to pray for pandemic's end

Learn from people's suffering, forge new ways of living, pope says

Instead of a 'return to normal,' let's pursue a profound transformation

Your thoughts on conservative Catholics, women deacons, sharing Eucharist and more

Links for 5/28/20

Prayer is powerful, life-giving, pope says

Pope clears way for beatification of Knights of Columbus founder

If COVID-19 frightens you, you should be terrified by climate change

'Vos Estis' at one year: Some question pope's process for investigating bishops

'Ut Unum Sint' at 25: Learning to recognize, welcome others' gifts

A proposal for Catholic-Orthodox eucharistic sharing during the pandemic

Five years ago, Pope Francis asked us to care for Earth. Have we listened?

Making his kitchen his pulpit, Indian priest highlights the pandemic's hungry

Laudato Si' takes root in Africa, but much urgent work remains

Director general confirms Vatican bank is not invested in fossil fuels

Pope: Church's preferential option for the poor is nonnegotiable

Bishops offer diverging takes on speed of Laudato Si' assimilation
