Looking back at 2020 in the life of the church in the US

Tumultuous election sends country's second Catholic president into office

Thomas Merton's writings on race resonate, gain renewed attention in 2020

Pope names Ossory bishop to head Dublin, Ireland's largest diocese

Vatican calls for equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution

Religion News Service: Our 11 best stories from a terrible year

McCarrick report shows a church infected with unchecked clericalism

COVID-19 caused problems for German church, but other issues arose in 2020

Extreme heat, wildfires, storms marked advance of climate change in 2020

Pope announces yearlong reflection on family, 'Amoris Laetitia'

'Ad Patris domvm': Famed Carmelite Latinist dies at 81

Pope formally strips Vatican secretariat of state of assets

Christmas 'hijacked' by consumerist mentality, pope says

Belarus says it will allow archbishop to return for Christmas

Quarantined and Catholic, a Gaffigan Christmas

Vatican City State is pesticide-free, imports green energy

Pope Francis' great Christmas gift to us all

Italy's lockdown forces changes to pope's Christmas events

Poverty, not presents, is at heart of Christmas celebration, pope says

How a podcast is helping this Catholic and gay Latino man break the stigma
