NCR's Joshua McElwee is Iraq-bound with Pope Francis

Pope Francis and his 'secular encyclical' on sport

Unpacking the fine print of Biden's declaration about the war in Yemen

Your thoughts on Michael Sean Winters' latest columns

Adorers sisters seek damages in latest lawsuit over gas pipeline

Editorial: Texas storm's aftermath a lesson in the need for government

Pope joins Italians mourning deaths of ambassador and officer in Congo

Bishops: If passed, Equality Act will 'discriminate against people of faith'

Pope tells Los Angeles virtual congress to proclaim God's promise

Pope: Fight temptation with faith, prayer, penance

Francis accepts resignation of Cardinal Sarah, head of Vatican worship office

EarthBeat Weekly: Pandemic, storms call us to make peace with the planet

Vatican expects budget deficit for 2021

Your thoughts on the US bishops and Biden

Pope: True ecumenical dialogue begins with love

Vatican employees required to get COVID-19 vaccine

Voices of Iraqis awaiting Pope Francis: He comes to say, 'I am with you'

Live: Soul Seeing for Lent with Dan Horan

Vatican City law abolishes 'in absentia' trials, allows reduced sentencing

Lexington diocesan priests issue statement in support of LGBTQ youth
