Morning Briefing

When confronted with injustice, what would Jesus do?

Confessional is a place of forgiveness, not threats, pope says

Love holds no place for subordination

Pope's quotes: Contemplative sisters

Pope to young people: Take the World Youth Day challenge

Congo's bishops denounce attempts to discredit church leaders

Pope says Paul VI will be declared a saint this year

DignityUSA to Irish church: Restore imagery of same-sex couples to booklet

Pope's quotes: A prophetic way

Pope Francis says he meets almost weekly with abuse victims

Links for 2/15/18

People have right to receive God's word, so preach it well, pope says

'Pope Francis and the Theology of the People' book review, Part 2

Pope, Melkite patriarch formalize full communion

Pope's quotes: We are so busy

Joshua McElwee on Facebook Live with The Tablet tomorrow

Catholic Social Ministry Gathering aims for diversity, bipartisanship

Pilgrim pope: Benedict says he's journeying toward God

Francis on ecclesial universities rooted in Vatican II, but clearly Francis
