From the Bible Belt, EWTN shapes world Catholic news

Pope meets with Chilean bishops, discusses abuse crisis

Faith is passed on at home, pope tells parents at baptism

Pope will go to Romania calling for unity, focus on the common good

Vatican abuse summit will underline need to end cover-ups, official says

Bishops describe their retreat as inspiring, Spirit-filled

Prayer has the power to change lives, hearts, pope says

Cardinal Kasper is far from controversies for a change, and happily so

Good times aren't ahead for US church

Prayer involves recognizing self as God's beloved child, pope says

Pope's 2019 calendar: Abuse summit, trips, mission focus all on agenda

Time passes, but God's love endures, pope says as 2018 ends

Defuse family fights by remembering the good in the other, pope says

Vatican begins investigation of Archbishop McCarrick

First martyr offers lessons in faith, forgiveness, pope says

Vatican opens medical clinic for the homeless

Year in review: For pope, it was year to come to terms with abuse crisis

Fourth Sunday of Advent: Preparing for Christmas

Being holy is what brings joy, pope tells Vatican employees

The sky is falling and media help it fall
