Migrants are people, not just a social issue, pope says at Mass

Pope meets Putin; two leaders talk about Ukraine, Syria, Venezuela

Your thoughts on a traditional Mass, presidential elections, humility and more

Activists examine church impact on LGBTQ rights movements around world

Pope gives seafarer chaplains special permission to grant absolution

Christian community a place of welcome, solidarity, pope says

Pope announces themes for upcoming World Youth Day celebrations

Receive Communion every time as if it were the first time, pope says

Holy Spirit conducts symphony of communion, pope says at audience

Accompany or argue: Pope contrasts with Bishop Barron on evangelization

How much corruption can we tolerate in the church before we leave?

Editorial: Who watches the shepherds who watch over the sheep? Us.

Chilean steps down just before ordination as bishop

Pope's quotes: We are all called

Church wounded by internal tensions, pope tells Jesuits in Romania

Barron's idea of evangelization to 'nones' misses the mark

Group protests outside Baltimore hotel, objects to proposals on abuse

Institutional decline of US bishops' conference obvious on first day of meeting

Christians are called to serve, not use others, pope says

Holy Spirit 'brings order to our frenzy,' pope says
