Links: 'Deep state' heroes, Trump still whining, identity politics

Your thoughts on the church's legacy toward Indigenous people

San Francisco archbishop's exorcisms highlight controversy over Serra, conflict with Indigenous

Links for 9/24/20

The preferential option for the removal of statues

Oakland priest calls bishop a 'liar' and a 'racist'

San Francisco priests voice frustrations with Cordileone at convocation

Upcoming bishops' meeting reflects current state of US church

At Napa, Lindsey Graham praises Trump, despite administration 'chaos'

Why are Catholic schools firing gay teachers, and how can one refuse?

California bishops applaud governor for moratorium on death penalty

Vatican appears likely to empower archbishops on abuse claims against bishops

Parish roundup: Hurricane Michael; hosting a refugee; 'water women'

Why not have a woman run a diocese?

Amateur hour at the bishops' conference

Florida bishop elected next bishops' conference treasurer starting fall 2019

US bishops face most critical meeting since Dallas in 2002

Parish roundup: 'Spot fires' of reaction to abuse scandal pop up across US

Let homeless pregnant women get housing sooner, SF coalition urges

As fear permeates immigrant communities, US bishops' responses vary
