Climate should be 'a central priority' for US church, says Bishop McElroy

With upcoming retirements, Francis could 'reorient' US bishops' conference

Amid climate threat, Catholics pursue ecological conversion in US church

Vatican's second conference on nonviolence renews hope for encyclical

Catholic bishops, groups speak against president's national emergency

New Boston College report on the priesthood addresses pressing need

Exiting gay pastoral associate pledges continued LGBTQ work

San Diego gay church worker resigns after months of harassment

Viganò's letter reveals church's internal power struggle

US cardinals reject Vatican diplomat's claims of widespread cover-up of abuse

The elephant in the sanctuary: Did the abuse crisis come up at Mass?

San Diego bishop responds to survivor advocate letter that alleged abuse by McCarrick

Priests' social justice concerns shape assembly, resolutions

Bishop McElroy says 'lived reality' at heart of Francis' pastoral theology, profound moment of renewal

Editorial: Sound the horn, bishops, we're waiting

Bishops to supplement rather than revise Faithful Citizenship voter guide

San Diego diocese aims to shelter asylum-seekers with their children

Border ordinations: US West Jesuits take rite to small church near Mexico

Links for 5/24/18

Links for 5/3/18
