Episode 1: 'I was born an alcoholic, I'll die an alcoholic' (24 min.)
"I wouldn't say I had escaped from the grasp of alcoholism," Heather King tells Tom Fox. "I haven't had a drink or drug in 20 years, but I think in a sense I have descended deeper into it -- like the way Christ descended into hell for three days after his death."
Sobriety and salvation
In her first book, Parched, National Public Radio commentator Heather King gave an unflinching account of her 20 years addicted to alcohol. She describes her second book, Pulse, as “a spiritual autobiography about my (ongoing) conversion to Catholicism.” She talks with Tom Fox.
More about the authorHeather King is a graduate of the University of New Hampshire (1977) and Suffolk Law School (1984). Born and raised on the New Hampshire seacoast, she did a 10-year law stint in Boston and moved to L.A. in 1990. Today King concentrates on her writing and is a commentator for National Public Radio's "All Things Considered." Her work has appeared in numerous magazines and journals. King is the author of Parched, a story about her bout with alcoholism. Her second book, Pulse, will be published in early of 2008.