Faith groups oppose massive increase in border spending

Catholic migrant advocates have mixed reaction to Tijuana border events

Catholic, other faith groups pledge solidarity all seeking asylum in U.S.

Caravan from Central America receives rough reception in Tijuana

My pilgrimage to 365 churches on five continents in 365 days

Jeff Sessions resigns, ending tenure marred by fights with faith groups

The immigrant caravan is a wave of hope for America

Mexican parishes pitch in to help Central American caravan heading north

Meeting the challenge: Bishops say synod can make a difference

Francis' repeated call to us: Welcome migrants

Justice Action Bulletin: Interfaith service at border; Sanctuary helps families

'Choosing Peace' details discussions of Vatican's just war conference

No end in sight to the cruelty inflicted on frightened immigrants

Historic gathering of pope and patriarchs for Middle East peace

El Paso faith community, papal delegate affirm solidarity with migrants

United States created the conditions for Latin American migrations

5 reasons why Mexico's president-elect marks new direction

At Texas center, bishops join in a warm welcome for recent arrivals

Near immigration's ground zero, bishops begin border trip with Mass

Onetime Polish war refugee collects history so the world won't forget
