O you who showered sacred stars
on the tiny town of Bethlehem,
I thank you for guiding artists’ brushes
to create cards of beauty,
bursting with blessings.
I lift up my heart in gratitude
for these beautiful yearly bridges
that bind us together in love,
we who are often too busy
for keeping up with friendship’s needs.
My cards of Christmas past are now precious relics,
and like the bones of saints
they hold great power,
and so I hate to bury them
or see them burn.
Opened Christmas cards
hum to me the hymn of love
and teach me the sacrament of correspondence.
Tie about the finger of my mind, Beloved One,
a reminder that without reminders
friendship fades from the failure
to express words of love and appreciation
to one another.
May these twelve magical days of Christmas
inspire me to celebrate
the un-holidays of the year,
the feasts of no-occasions,
with love notes to friends who are far away.
Sacred season of the twelve days of Christmas,
gift me with the magic power to stop the clock,
so as to keep God alive within the world.
For if God is love, then God may be found
in the mystery of love exchanged.
May I be a holy messenger of that holy mystery.
From Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim by Ed Hays
Prayer action suggestion:
Call or write someone special this week and express your love for them. Then, make a note to call them in a month or two to tell them again.
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