Thomas Gumbleton

A longtime national and international activist in the peace movement, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton is a founding member of Pax Christi USA and an outspoken critic of violence and militarism. He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, and has published numerous articles and reports.


By this Author

Jesus gives us his Spirit so we can carry on his work

The message that we all must proclaim is not dramatic

No greater love than this

Amid today's climate of violence, Jesus calls us to listen and follow him

We are all called to take away sin in our world

Have complete faith in the Resurrection

Every instant, God is loving us

God can't wait to forgive, to reconcile and welcome us home

'God is waiting to be gracious to them'

'This is my beloved, listen to him'

Lent calls us to Jesus' most challenging teaching

Begin Lent with authentic intent

Promise to be peacemakers

God calls you to be priest, prophet and leader

Commit to work with Jesus to make the reign of God happen

'Blessed are those who hear the word of God and do it.'

Discover God in our midst and rejoice

A serious call to be witnesses

Advent is when we begin to think about the return of Jesus

God made the world for all, not for a few
