Mark Pattison

By this Author

Bishops' conference's 2019 budget reflects abuse-related expenses, refugee cuts

Update: Bishops overwhelmingly approve pastoral against racism

'Ugly cancer of racism' infects U.S., bishops say in proposed pastoral

Poll: Pope's favorability numbers down, and worse for handling of abuse

In homily, Calif. priest says he was abused, hears from dozens of victims

Advocates decry historically low cap for refugee entry in 2019

Church did not foresee crimes by bishops, says canon law professor

Companion letters ask pope for answers on abuse crisis

Bishop echoes pope: The poor's plight is 'the Gospel, pure and simple'

National Review Board: Change in church's culture needed to end abuse

What New Jersey bishops, now retired, knew about McCarrick settlements

Accused archbishop's fellow prelates weigh in on abuse scandal's impact

Seattle Catholics celebrate Special Olympics' leap into next 50 years

High court rules against unions in dues case; USCCB had backed labor

Hundreds of calls come in at USCCB HQ seeking to foster detained kids

More immigrant children in U.S. custody with 'zero tolerance' policy

Ryan, Brownback, archbishop address National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

Pope 'most fearless man I ever met,' says filmmaker Wenders

Restorative justice seen as a critical piece of criminal justice reform

Catholic, other groups voice misgivings over 2018 farm bill

