Mark Pattison

By this Author

Religion not at the heart of many world conflicts, scholars say

Strikers invoke Pope Francis as they seek higher wages and a union

Labor Day statement: Reflection, action ‘critical’ for care of workers

Rembering Phil Hartman

Alabama parish a waypoint for NAACP Selma-to-D.C. march

Survey: Number of abortions in US has gone down since 2010

Reaction mixed to Tsarnaev death sentence in Boston Marathon bombing

Texas governor says response to prayer after accident made him stronger

New documentary on Thomas Merton celebrates centennial of monk's birth

Forum outlines strategies to end extreme poverty worldwide

Advocates on either side of same-sex marriage case make presence felt

Relics can be key to understanding life in Jesus' time, Jesuit says

Religious leaders urge action to combat climate change

Franciscan priest to appear on Oprah Winfrey's 'Super Soul Sunday'

CRS, nonprofits beat back clause in bill that could have cut food aid

Vatican Museums get 3-D treatment in theatrical feature

Agricultural leadership takes many forms, symposium participants told

Challenges identified in feeding, thinking about the world's hungry

Bishops see new perspective on Middle East after Holy Land pilgrimage

Mail balloting needed to determine vote on diocesan assessment increase

