Cindy Wooden

By this Author

Bishops asked to meet abuse survivors before February meeting

Itinerant papal preacher: Capuchin will lead U.S. bishops' retreat

Surprise! Pope makes several impromptu visits

Vatican urges adoption of global compacts on migration, refugees

If gay priests, religious can't be celibate, they should leave, pope says

Advent is time of vigilance and prayer, pope says

Pope names Archbishop Scicluna adjunct secretary of CDF

Eucharist creates the communion the world needs, pope says

Pope recognizes martyrdom of U.S. Christian Brother

Life is radiant when it is lived with love and service, pope says

All Souls feast is time to remember, to hope, pope says

Cardinal DiNardo: Abuse crisis discussed at synod, will top bishops' agenda

Synod groups on sexuality: Church welcomes all, calls all to conversion

Bishops call for better religious education, preparation for mission

Young people want credibility, someone to walk with them, bishops say

Meeting the challenge: Bishops say synod can make a difference

Chinese bishop says agreement is sign that universal church is one

Christians must live the beatitudes, not just preach them, pope says

Church leaders must face truth of abuse, Cardinal DiNardo says

Archbishop Chaput urges synod to use care with language, especially on sexuality

