Cindy Wooden

By this Author

Does God want religious diversity? Abu Dhabi text raises questions

Pope arrives in Abu Dhabi, praying for nearby Yemen

Italy says it's closing refugee center where pope celebrated Mass

Doctrinal congregation to handle relations with traditionalist Catholics

Pope gives liturgical office oversight of Sistine Chapel Choir

Pope says it's 'grave sin' to deny God has blessed other Christians

Vatican summit to help nations lagging on abuse policies, Jesuit says

After drawn-out negotiations, Malta allows rescued migrants to disembark

Seek Jesus, adore him, serve him and others, pope says on Epiphany

Prayer involves recognizing self as God's beloved child, pope says

Pope prays for new year marked by tenderness, brotherhood, peace

Details published on Vatican delaying U.S. bishops vote on abuse provisions

Pope's 2019 calendar: Abuse summit, trips, mission focus all on agenda

Time passes, but God's love endures, pope says as 2018 ends

Defuse family fights by remembering the good in the other, pope says

Vatican court convicts Italian of money laundering

First martyr offers lessons in faith, forgiveness, pope says

Vatican opens medical clinic for the homeless

Year in review: For pope, it was year to come to terms with abuse crisis

Ask for grace to dream and to be silent like St. Joseph, pope suggests

