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Iowa bishop issues list on abuse 'with heavy heart,' says transparency is key

Vatican announces canonical investigation of Cardinal Pell

Cardinal Pell jailed in Australia ahead of March 13 sentencing

Woman claims abuse, sues Franciscans, Buffalo Diocese for $300 million

Canberra church examines how Archbishop Coleridge handled abuse claims

Lent is time to let go of 'destructive' selfishness, pope says

Church advocates: Latin Americans understand God's presence in nature

Update: Cardinal Pell convicted on five counts; verdict will be appealed

Bill would lift confessional seal if penitent confesses to abuse

Pope to issue post-synod document on young people in March

Program announces first payments to survivors in Philadelphia Archdiocese

Vatican official to meet in Texas with border bishops from U.S. and Mexico

Measures to help protect minors are imminent, summit moderator says

Summit affirms need to hold bishops accountable, U.S. cardinal says

Bishops must see press as allies, not enemies, Mexican journalist says

At abuse summit, Sr. Veronica Openibo calls for complete transparency

Workers furloughed during shutdown grateful for Catholic Charities' help

Monk's tonsure at Wisconsin monastery seen as hopeful sign for vocations

French bishops urge mobilization against increasing anti-Semitism

Bishops at summit consider 21 action items to handle, prevent abuse
