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Historic flooding in Midwest threatening lives, destroying livelihoods

Theologian supports declaring St. Romero 'doctor of the church'

God's will is clear: to seek out, save humanity from evil, pope says

As cyclone slams Africa, churches, aid agencies coordinate response

West Virginia's attorney general files suit against diocese, bishop

Vatican summit prompts cardinals to recommit to caring for abuse victims

Pope recognizes martyrdom of Romanian bishops, Italian missionary

Kansas archbishop responds to criticism over school not enrolling child

'Our only hope is in God': New Zealanders gather to pray after shooting

Update: Pope declines resignation of French cardinal convicted of abuse cover-up

Pope: Imitate God by being merciful to others

Corruption is a devastating cancer harming society, pope says

Vatican-China agreement motivated by mission, cardinal says

Cardinal DiNardo, USCCB president, 'resting comfortably' after suffering mild stroke

Bishops' migration chair urges House pass new bill to protect 'Dreamers'

Iowa bishop presents coalition's Pacem award to Dalai Lama in India

Old guard looks to new generation of voices on nuclear disarmament

Polish church releases first report on clerical sex abuse

Cardinal Marx: Church must have serious debate on celibacy, role of women

GOP House members urge Democrats to allow vote on 'Born-Alive' measure
