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Supreme Court justices defend divergent death penalty views

New York religious leaders endorse bill to end solitary confinement

Pope advances sainthood causes, including Brazil's 'Mother Teresa'

Pope saddened by church attack in Burkina Faso, Vatican spokesman says

Cardinal turns on the lights and raises ire of Italian politician

Be merciful ministers of Christ, pope tells new priests

Four bishops sign on to letter voicing concerns with Equality Act

Pope: Without Holy Spirit, dioceses can become worldly businesses

In Washington, refugees from around U.S. lobby for federal program

Australian church looks for more collegial models of governance

Some Quebec bishops uneasy with pro-life leader's anti-Francis stance

On anniversary of immigration raid, Iowans join in solidarity, prayer

Georgia church incorporates artifacts from closed New York church

Catholic officials call for prayer, action after Colorado shooting

'Today God has answered their prayers': Pakistan releases Asia Bibi

Missouri bishop urges broader approach to help survivors, parishes heal

Catholic minorities can still change the world, pope says at audience

Pope Francis called Jean Vanier to thank him before his death

Mexican bishops call for migrant assistance at their southern border

Jean Vanier, who changed lives of intellectually disabled, dies in Paris
