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Pew report on religion restrictions gives U.S. bad marks in key areas

Development threatens way of life in Amazon's Afro-Brazilian communities

Faith leaders decry ICE deportations, say action causes anxiety, fear

Love of God, love of neighbor are tied together, pope says

Bishop Christian dies; recalled as 'wonderful' bishop, 'spiritual guide'

In Amazon towns, church workers help indigenous keep languages alive

In Guyana's Rupununi region, young people feel lure of city lifestyle

Chile removes statute of limitations on sex abuse cases

Report claims church leaders long knew about Bransfield accusations

In the Amazon's borderlands, 'you have to be prepared' for anything

Appeals court to uphold ACA; health care a basic human right, says CHA

Connecticut bishops urge 'complete overhaul' of U.S. immigration policy

Praising God for gift of creation leads to respect for it, pope says

Diocese looks to open temporary shelter for migrants in county facility

Miners, loggers, developers invade indigenous lands; isolated people die

CLINIC joins suit against government seeking change in asylum policy

Archbishop Kurtz to begin three months of treatment for cancer

U.S. bishop among nearly 200 faith leaders speaking against war in Iran

Smithsonian inquiring about drawings made by children at Catholic center

In Amazon's cities, indigenous people are often invisible
