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Audit firm, other financial controls announced for West Virginia diocese

Archbishop says sedition charges against prelates, VP are 'beyond belief'

Kentucky priest who is one of pope's 'missionaries of mercy' helps miners

Forensic experts to study 'thousands of bones' found in Vatican ossuaries

Agencies 'appalled' by reports U.S. could end refugee admissions

Pope writes Syrian president, urging him to protect civilians, seek peace

Bishop urges lawmakers to end 'stranglehold' on immigration to U.S.

Residents fight to keep Amazon alive, 'but big money speaks louder'

Crookston Diocese reaches $5 million settlement with abuse survivors

Britain votes to legalize abortion, same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland

Des Moines bishop retires; priest of Dubuque named successor

After Amazonians migrate to cities, they struggle to survive

Justice Stevens changed death penalty views during three decades on court

Philippine bishops call for 'ecological conversion' amid climate crisis

Young people's activism is sign of hope for Earth, says Cardinal Turkson

Struggles of families uprooted by Belo Monte reveal the dam's dark side

Appeals court says Title X rule can take effect while suits proceed

Vatican City State set to end sale of single-use plastics

Administration to apply 'third country' rule for asylum-seekers

African churches work to counter pressures on Congo River basin
