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Wonder at gift of creation opens human hearts to prayer, pope says

Pope merges Anchorage Archdiocese, Juneau Diocese; names archbishop

Catholic leaders warn of humanitarian, environmental tragedy in Amazon

Archbishop refers dioceses to resources on public Mass, sacraments

At Sunday Mass, pope offers prayers for sanitation workers

Fauci to Jesuit high school graduates: 'We will get through this'

To meet a displaced person is to encounter Christ, pope says

In the memory of horror and pain, Salvadorans overcome massacre with faith

Salvadoran church, survivors mark 40th anniversary of river massacre

Pope joins interreligious prayer, begging God to end pandemic

Italy grants temporary residency to migrant farmworkers

Army, city sanitation workers begin sanitizing Rome churches

Clergy: Urgency in pandemic response can apply to addressing climate change

Though hard times ahead, Vatican not at risk of default, official says

Pontifical universities to reopen in the fall, but have backup plans

Prayer establishes trusting relationship with God, pope says

Britain says churches can't open until July; bishops not happy

Safety a priority as Vatican Museums eyes reopening, official says

German bishops reject COVID-19 'conspiracy theories' by prominent clergy

At morning Mass, Pope offers prayers for unemployed
