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Gomez: Killing of Floyd is a 'sin that cries out to heaven for justice'

Supreme Court rejects appeals to lift restrictions on congregation size

Pope issues new Vatican contract laws to save money, prevent corruption

Louisville cathedral damaged as protests over Floyd death turn violent

From Vatican Gardens, pope leads rosary to pray for pandemic's end

Learn from people's suffering, forge new ways of living, pope says

Church united by Spirit, not personal beliefs, pope says on Pentecost

Washington nonprofit warns against pandemic restrictions on immigration

Maryland county withdraws restriction that would have curtailed Eucharist

Some European Catholic leaders echo pope's call for universal basic wage

Latin American church workers: Pandemic turmoil increases child abuse

House passes bill condemning China's treatment of religious minorities

House passes bill condemning China's treatment of religious minorities

House passes bill condemning China's treatment of religious minorities

House passes bill condemning China's treatment of religious minorities

House passes bill condemning China's treatment of religious minorities

House passes bill condemning China's treatment of religious minorities

Archbishop says Floyd video 'gut wrenching,' urges respect for all people

Buffalo initiative will assess diocesan resources, 'bring about renewal'

Iowa bishop says pandemic should prompt release of Guatemalan detainees
