The Surrender Novena can be helpful for those living with unbearable grief, but also for those just navigating the inevitable troubles that sweep through our daily lives.
Pope Francis teaches that if we want to experience the joy of the Gospel and union with God, we need to begin by sharing God's concern for the poorest among us.
Scripture for Life: This week we will celebrate both the Immaculate Conception and Our Lady of Guadalupe, feasts that celebrate the human potential to collaborate with God's ongoing offers of grace and thus change history.
Scripture for Life: Today's Gospel gives us an apocalyptic vision amazingly applicable to our days. Lest we think we're unique, people throughout the ages have felt the same — and who's to say it's not true?
Scripture for Life: In his reigning among us, Christ offers a share of his glory, a glory that we can begin to comprehend and experience only in faith. It is unintelligible to those who choose to remain outside.
Scripture for Life: We need to listen deeply to Jesus' promise that when things seem to be falling apart and the very forces of nature seem to wreak death, God is near, the reign of God is truly among us.
Soul Seeing: On a hiatus from chemo treatments, cancer patient Melinda Le Blanc needed the miracle of hope. She didn't expect to find it in her grocery bag.